Recent Developments in Input-Output Analysis

Recent Developments in Input-Output Analysis

Dietzenbacher, Erik; Lenzen, Manfred; Lahr, Michael L.

Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd






15 a 20 dias

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Volume I

Introduction: Introducing the Recent Developments in Input-Output Analysis
Erik Dietzenbacher, Michael L. Lahr and Manfred Lenzen xiv

1. Jan A. van der Linden and Jan Oosterhaven (1995), 'European
Community Intercountry Input-Output Relations: Construction
Method and Main Results for 1965-85', Economic Systems
Research, 7 (3), 249-69 2
2. Bo Meng, Yaxiong Zhang and Satoshi Inomata (2013), 'Compilation
and Applications of IDE-JETRO's International Input-Output
Tables', Economic Systems Research, 25 (1), March, 122-42 23
3. Erik Dietzenbacher, Bart Los, Robert Stehrer, Marcel Timmer and
Gaaitzen de Vries (2013), 'The Construction of World Input-Output
Tables in the WIOD Project', Economic Systems Research, 25 (1),
March, 71-98 44
4. Arnold Tukker, Evgueni Poliakov, Reinout Heijungs, Troy Hawkins,
Frederik Neuwahl, Jose M. Rueda-Cantuche, Stefan Giljum,
Stephan Moll, Jan Oosterhaven and Maaike Bouwmeester (2009),
'Towards a Global Multi-Regional Environmentally Extended
Input-Output Database', Ecological Economics, 68 (7), May,
1928-37 72
5. Manfred Lenzen, Keiichiro Kanemoto, Daniel Moran and Arne
Geschke (2012), 'Mapping the Structure of the World Economy',
Environmental Science and Technology, 46 (15), 8374-81 82
6. Martin Bruckner, Stefan Giljum, Christian Lutz and Kirsten Svenja
Wiebe (2012), 'Materials Embodied in International Trade - Global
Material Extraction and Consumption between 1995 and 2005',
Global Environmental Change, 22 (3), August, 568-76 90
7. Glen P. Peters, Robbie Andrew and James Lennox (2011),
'Constructing an Environmentally-Extended Multi-Regional Input-
Output Table Using the GTAP Database', Economic Systems
Research, 23 (2), June, 131-52 99

8. Faye Duchin (2005), 'A World Trade Model Based on Comparative
Advantage with m Regions, n Goods, and k Factors', Economic
Systems Research, 17 (2), June, 141-62 122
vi Recent Developments in Input-Output Analysis I
9. David Hummels, Jun Ishii and Kei-Mu Yi (2001), 'The Nature and
Growth of Vertical Specialization in World Trade', Journal of
International Economics, 54 (1), June, 75-96 144
10. Robert Koopman, Zhi Wang and Shang-Jin Wei (2014), 'Tracing
Value-Added and Double Counting in Gross Exports', American
Economic Review, 104 (2), February, 459-94 166
11. Robert C. Johnson and Guillermo Noguera (2012), 'Accounting for
Intermediates: Production Sharing and Trade in Value Added',
Journal of International Economics, 86 (2), March, 224-36 202
12. Bart Los, Marcel P. Timmer and Gaaitzen J. de Vries (2015), 'How
Global are Global Value Chains? A New Approach to Measure
International Fragmentation', Journal of Regional Science, Special
Issue: Local Consequences of Global Production Processes, 55 (1),
January, 66-92 215
13. Jeffrey J. Reimer (2006), 'Global Production Sharing and Trade in
the Services of Factors', Journal of International Economics, 68 (2),
March, 384-408 242
14. Daniel Trefler and Susan Chun Zhu (2010), 'The Structure of Factor
Content Predictions', Journal of International Economics, 82 (2),
November, 195-207 267
15. Erik Dietzenbacher and Isidoro Romero (2007), 'Production Chains
in an Interregional Framework: Identification by Means of Average
Propagation Lengths', International Regional Science Review, 30
(4), October, 362-83 280
16. Pol Antras, Davin Chor, Thibault Fally and Russell Hillberry (2012),
'Measuring the Upstreamness of Production and Trade Flows',
American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 102 (3),
May, 412-16 302

17. Erik Dietzenbacher and Bart Los (1998), 'Structural Decomposition
Techniques: Sense and Sensitivity', Economic Systems Research, 10
(4), December, 307-23 308
18. Mark De Haan (2001), 'A Structural Decomposition Analysis of
Pollution in the Netherlands', Economic Systems Research, 13 (2),
June, 181-96 325
19. Jan Oosterhaven and Alex R. Hoen (1998), 'Preferences,
Technology, Trade and Real Income Changes in the European
Union: An Intercountry Decomposition Analysis for 1975-1985',
Annals of Regional Science, 32 (4), November, 505-24 341
20. Yan Xia, Ying Fan and Cuihong Yang (2015), 'Assessing the Impact
of Foreign Content in China's Exports on the Carbon Outsourcing
Hypothesis', Applied Energy, 150, July, 296-307 361
Recent Developments in Input-Output Analysis I vii
21. Xuemei Jiang, Erik Dietzenbacher and Bart Los (2014), 'A
Dissection of the Growth of Regional Disparities in Chinese Labor
Productivity between 1997 and 2002', Annals of Regional Science,
52 (2), March, 513-36 373

22. Thijs ten Raa and Edward N. Wolff (2001), 'Outsourcing of
Services and the Productivity Recovery in U.S. Manufacturing in
the 1980s and 1990s', Journal of Productivity Analysis, 16 (2),
September, 149-65 398
23. Antonio F. Amores and Thijs ten Raa (2014), 'Firm Efficiency,
Industry Performance and the Economy: Three-Way Decomposition
with an Application to Andalusia', Journal of Productivity Analysis,
42 (1), August, 25-34 415
24. Masahiro Kuroda and Koji Nomura (2004), 'Technological Change
and Accumulated Capital: A Dynamic Decomposition of Japan's
Growth', in Erik Dietzenbacher and Michael L. Lahr (eds), Wassily
Leontief and Input-Output Economics, Chapter 15, Cambridge, UK:
Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 256-93 425
25. Yasuhide Okuyama, Michael Sonis and Geoffrey J.D. Hewings
(2006), 'Typology of Structural Change in a Regional Economy: A
Temporal Inverse Analysis', Economic Systems Research, 18 (2),
June, 133-53 463
26. Philip R. Israilevich, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, Michael Sonis and
Graham R. Schindler (1997), 'Forecasting Structural Change with a
Regional Econometric Input-
Output Model', Journal of Regional
Science, 37 (4), November, 565-90 484

27. Ronald E. Miller and Michael L. Lahr (2001), 'A Taxonomy of
Extractions', in Regional Science Perspectives in Economic
Analysis: A Festschrift in Memory of Benjamin H. Stevens, Chapter
21, Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 407-41 511
28. Yu Song, Chunlu Liu and Craig Langston (2006), 'Linkage
Measures of the Construction Sector Using the Hypothetical
Extraction Method', Construction Management and Economics, 24
(6), 579-89 546
29. Carsten A. Holz (2011), 'The Unbalanced Growth Hypothesis and
the Role of the State: The Case of China's State-Owned Enterprises',
Journal of Development Economics, 96 (2), November, 220-38 557
30. Erik Dietzenbacher and Michael L. Lahr (2013), 'Expanding
Extractions', Economic Systems Research, 25 (3), September,
341-60 576
viii Recent Developments in Input-Output Analysis I

31. Wenfeng Huang, Shintaro Kobayashi and Hajime Tanji (2008),
'Updating an Input-Output Matrix with Sign-Preservation: Some
Improved Objective Functions and their Solutions', Economic
Systems Research, 20 (1), March, 111-23 597
32. Umed Temurshoev and Marcel P. Timmer (2011), 'Joint
Estimation of Supply and Use Tables', Papers in Regional
Science, 90 (4), November, 863-82 610
33. Sherman Robinson, Andrea Cattaneo and Moataz El-Said (2001),
'Updating and Estimating a Social Accounting Matrix Using
Cross Entropy Methods', Economic Systems Research, 13 (1),
March, 47-64 630
34. Manfred Lenzen, Maria Cecilia Pinto de Moura, Arne Geschke,
Keiichiro Kanemoto and Daniel Dean Moran (2012), 'A Cycling
Method for Constructing Input-Output Table Time Series from
Incomplete Data', Economic Systems Research, 24 (4), December,
413-32 648

35. Adam Rose, Juan Benavides, Stephanie E. Chang, Philip
Szczesniak and Dongsoon Lim (1997), 'The Regional Economic
Impact of an Earthquake: Direct and Indirect Effects of Electricity
Lifeline Disruptions', Journal of Regional Science, 37 (3),
August, 437-58 669
36. Joost R. Santos and Yacov Y. Haimes (2004), 'Modeling the
Demand Reduction Input-Output (I-O) Inoperability Due to
Terrorism of Interconnected Infrastructures', Risk Analysis, 24
(6), December, 1437-51 691
37. Sungbin Cho, Peter Gordon, James E. Moore II, Harry W.
Richardson, Masanobu Shinozuka and Stephanie Chang (2001),
'Integrating Transportation Network and Regional Economic
Models to Estimate the Costs of a Large Urban Earthquake',
Journal of Regional Science, 41 (1), February, 39-65 706
38. Yasuhide Okuyama (2004), 'Modeling Spatial Economic Impacts
of an Earthquake: Input-Output Approaches', Disaster Prevention
and Management: An International Journal, 13 (4), 297-306 733
39. Tomohiro Okadera, Masataka Watanabe and Kaiqin Xu (2006),
'Analysis of Water Demand and Water Pollutant Discharge Using
a Regional Input-Output Table: An Application to the City of
Chongqing, Upstream of the Three Gorges Dam in China',
Ecological Economics, 58 (2), June, 221-37 744
Recent Developments in Input-Output Analysis I ix
40. Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, Yasuhide Okuyama and Michael Sonis
(2001), 'Economic Interdependence within the Chicago
Metropolitan Area: A Miyazawa Analysis', Journal of Regional
Science, 41 (2), May, 195-217 761
41. Xiannuan Lin and Karen R. Polenske (1998), 'Input-Output
Modeling of Production Processes for Business Management',
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 9 (2), June, 205-26 784
42. Vito Albino, Carmen Izzo and Silvana Ku?htz (2002), 'Input-
Output Models for the Analysis of a Local/Global Supply Chain',
International Journal of Production Economics, 78 (2), July,
119-31 806
43. Xikang Chen, Leonard K. Cheng, K. C. Fung, Lawrence J. Lau,
Yun-Wing Sung, K. Zhu, C. Yang, J. Pei and Y. Duan (2012),
'Domestic Value Added and Employment Generated by Chinese
Exports: A Quantitative Estimation', China Economic Review, 23
(4), December, 850-64 819
44. Robert Koopman, Zhi Wang and Shang-Jin Wei (2012),
'Estimating Domestic Content in Exports when Processing Trade
is Pervasive', Journal of Development Economics, 99 (1),
September, 178-89 834
45. Chris Bachmann, Matthew J. Roorda and Chris Kennedy (2015),
'Developing a Multi-Scale Multi-Region Input-Output Model',
Economic Systems Research, 27 (2), June, 172-93 846
46. Manfred Lenzen, Arne Geschke, Thomas Wiedmann, Joe Lane,
Neal Anderson, Timothy Baynes, John Boland, Peter Daniels,
Christopher Dey, Jacob Fry, Michalis Hadjikakou, Steven Kenway,
Arunima Malik, Daniel Moran, Joy Murray, Stuart Nettleton,
Lavinia Poruschi, Christian Reynolds, Hazel Rowley, Julien Ugon,
Dean Webb and James West (2014), 'Compiling and Using Input-
Output Frameworks through Collaborative Virtual Laboratories',
Science of the Total Environment, 485-486, July, 241-51 868
47. G. Papaconstantinou, N. Sakurai and A. Wyckoff (1998),
'Domestic and International Product-Embodied R&D Diffusion',
Research Policy, 27 (3), July, 301-14 879

Volume II

Introduction An introduction to both volumes by the editors appears in Volume I

1. Faye Duchin (1992), 'Industrial Input-Output Analysis:
Implications for Industrial Ecology', Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the USA, 89 (3), February, 851-55 2
2. Sangwon Suh and Shigemi Kagawa (2005), 'Industrial Ecology and
Input-Output Economics: An Introduction', Economic Systems
Research, 17 (4), December, 349-64 7
3. Edgar G. Hertwich (2005), 'Consumption and Industrial Ecology',
Journal of Industrial Ecology, 9 (1-2), January, 1-6 23
4. Rutger Hoekstra and Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh (2006),
'Constructing Physical Input-Output Tables for Environmental
Modeling and Accounting: Framework and Illustrations',
Ecological Economics, 59 (3), September, 375-93 29

5. Walter Isard, Kenneth Bassett, Charles Choguill, John Furtado,
Ronald Izumita, John Kissin, Eliahu Romanoff, Richard Seyfarth
and Richard Tatlock (1968), 'On the Linkage of Socio-Economic
and Ecologic Systems', Papers of the Regional Science Association,
21 (1), December, 79-99 49
6. Herman E. Daly (1968), 'On Economics as a Life Science', Journal
of Political Economy, 76 (3), May-June, 392-406 70
7. Robert U. Ayres and Allen V. Kneese (1969), 'Production,
Consumption, and Externalities', American Economic Review, 59
(3), June, 282-97 85
8. Wassily Leontief and Daniel Ford (1972), 'Air Pollution and the
Economic Structure: Empirical Results of Input-Output
Computations', in A. Brody and A.P. Carter (eds), Input-Output
Techniques, Amsterdam, the Netherlands: North-Holland Publishing
Co./American Elsevier, 9-30 101
9. Bruce Hannon (1973), 'The Structure of Ecosystems', Journal of
Theoretical Biology, 41 (3), October, 535-46 123
10. Werner Antweiler (1996), 'The Pollution Terms of Trade',
Economic Systems Research, 8 (4), December, 361-65 135
vi Recent Developments in Input-Output Analysis II
11. Steven J. Keuning, Jan van Dalen and Mark de Haan (1999), 'The
Netherlands' NAMEA: Presentation, Usage and Future Extensions',
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 10 (1), January, 15-37 140
12. Monica Serrano and Erik Dietzenbacher (2010), 'Responsibility and
Trade Emission Balances: An Evaluation of Approaches',
Ecological Economics, 69 (11), September, 2224-32 163

13. Graham J. Treloar (1997), 'Extracting Embodied Energy Paths from
Input-Output Tables: Towards an Input-Output-Based Hybrid
Energy Analysis Method', Economic Systems Research, 9 (4),
December, 375-91 173
14. Klaus Hubacek and Stefan Giljum (2003), 'Applying Physical
Input-Output Analysis to Estimate Land Appropriation (Ecological
Footprints) of International Trade Activities', Ecological
Economics, 44 (1), February, 137-51 190
15. Kuishuang Feng, Ashok Chapagain, Sangwon Suh, Stephan Pfister
and Klaus Hubacek (2011), 'Comparison of Bottom-Up and Top-
Down Approaches to Calculating the Water Footprints of Nations',
Economic Systems Research: Input-Output and Water, 23 (4),
December, 371-85 205
16. Thomas O. Wiedmann, Heinz Schandl, Manfred Lenzen, Daniel
Moran, Sangwon Suh, James West and Keiichiro Kanemoto (2015),
'The Material Footprint of Nations', PNAS - Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 112 (20), 19th May,
6271-76 220
17. Manfred Lenzen, Daniel Moran, Anik Bhaduri, Keiichiro
Kanemoto, Maksud Bekchanov, Arne Geschke, Barney Foran
(2013), 'International Trade of Scarce Water', Ecological
Economics, 94, October, 78-85 226
18. Jun Lan, Arunima Malik, Manfred Lenzen, Darian McBain and
Keiichiro Kanemoto (2016), 'A Structural Decomposition Analysis
of Global Energy Footprints', Applied Energy, 163 (1), February,
436-51 234

19. Jesper Munksgaard and Klaus Alsted Pedersen (2001), 'CO2
Accounts for Open Economies: Producer or Consumer
Responsibility?', Energy Policy, 29 (4), March, 327-34 251
Recent Developments in Input-Output Analysis II vii
20. J.C. Minx, T. Wiedmann, R. Wood, G.P. Peters, M. Lenzen,
A. Owen, K. Scott, J. Barrett, K. Hubacek, G. Baiocchi, A. Paul,
E. Dawkins, J. Briggs, D. Guan, S. Suh and F. Ackerman (2009),
'Input-Output Analysis and Carbon Footprinting: An Overview of
Applications', Economic Systems Research: Carbon Footprint and
Analysis, 21 (3), September, 187-216 259
21. Thomas Wiedmann, Richard Wood, Jan C. Minx, Manfred Lenzen,
Dabo Guan and Rocky Harris (2010), 'A Carbon Footprint Time
Series of the UK - Results from a Multi-Region Input-Output
Model', Economic Systems Research, 22 (1), March, 19-42 289
22. Steven J. Davis and Ken Caldeira (2010), 'Consumption-Based
Accounting of CO2 Emissions', PNAS - Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the USA, 107 (12), 23rd March, 5687-92 313
23. Glen P. Peters, Jan C. Minx, Christopher L. Weber and Ottmar
Edenhofer (2011), 'Growth in Emission Transfers via International
Trade from 1990 to 2008', PNAS - Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the USA, 108 (21), 24th May, 8903-8 319
24. Kuishuang Feng, Steven J. Davis, Laixiang Sun, Xin Li, Dabo Guan,
Weidong Liu, Zhu Liu and Klaus Hubacek (2013), 'Outsourcing
CO2 within China', PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the USA, 110 (28), 9th July, 11654-59 325

25. Shinichiro Nakamura and Yasushi Kondo (2002), 'Input-Output
Analysis of Waste Management', Journal of Industrial Ecology, 6
(1), January, 39-63 332
26. Sangwon Suh (2005), 'Theory of Materials and Energy Flow
Analysis in Ecology and Economics', Ecological Modelling, 189
(3-4), December, 251-69 357
27. Azusa Oita, Arunima Malik, Keiichiro Kanemoto, Arne Geschke,
Shota Nishijima and Manfred Lenzen (2016), 'Substantial Nitrogen
Pollution Embedded in International Trade', Nature Geoscience, 9
(2), February, 111-15 376
28. Mulin Hui, Qingru Wu, Shuxiao Wang, Sai Liang, Lei Zhang,
Fengyang Wang, Manfred Lenzen, Yafei Wang, Lixiao Xu,
Zhongtian Lin, Hai Yang, Yan Lin, Thorjorn Larssen, Ming Xu and
Jiming Hao (2017), 'Mercury Flows in China and Global Drivers',
Environmental Science and Technology, 51 (1), January, 222-31 381

29. Dabo Guan and Klaus Hubacek (2007), 'Assessment of Regional
Trade and Virtual Water Flows in China', Ecological Economics,
61 (1), February, 159-70 392
viii Recent Developments in Input-Output Analysis II
30. Erik Dietzenbacher and Esther Velazquez (2007), 'Analysing
Andalusian Virtual Water Trade in an Input-
Output Framework',
Regional Studies, 41 (2), 185-96 404
31. Yang Yu, Klaus Hubacek, Kuishuang Feng and Dabo Guan (2010),
'Assessing Regional and Global Water Footprints for the UK',
Ecological Economics, 69 (5), March, 1140-47 416
32. Manfred Lenzen and Greg M. Peters (2010), 'How City Dwellers
Affect Their Resource Hinterland: A Spatial Impact Study of
Australian Households', Journal of Industrial Ecology, Special
Issue: Sustainable Consumption and Production, 14 (1), January-
February, 73-90 424
33. Jan Minx, Giovanni Baiocchi, Thomas Wiedmann, John Barrett,
Felix Creutzig, Kuishuang Feng, Michael Foerster, Peter-Paul
Pichler, Helga Weisz and Klaus Hubacek (2013), 'Carbon
Footprints of Cities and Other Human Settlements in the UK',
Environmental Research Letters, 8 (035039), September, 1-10 442
34. Ryoji Hasegawa, Shigemi Kagawa and Makiko Tsukui (2015),
'Carbon Footprint Analysis through Constructing a Multi-Region
Input-Output Table: A Case Study of Japan', Journal of Economic
Structures, 4 (5), December, 1-20 452
35. Makiko Tsukui, Shigemi Kagawa and Yasushi Kondo (2015),
'Measuring the Waste Footprint of Cities in Japan: A Interregional
Waste Input-Output Analysis', Journal of Economic Structures, 4
(18), December, 1-24 472

36. Satish Joshi (1999), 'Product Environmental Life-Cycle Assessment
Using Input-Output Techniques', Journal of Industrial Ecology, 3
(2-3), April, 95-120 497
37. H. Scott Matthews and Mitchell J. Small (2000), 'Extending the
Boundaries of Life-Cycle Assessment through Environmental
Economic Input-Output Models', Journal of Industrial Ecology, 4
(3), July, 7-10 523
38. Sangwon Suh, Manfred Lenzen, Graham J. Treloar, Hiroki Hondo,
Arpad Horvath, Gjalt Huppes, Olivier Jolliet, Uwe Klann, Wolfram
Krewitt, Yuichi Moriguchi, Jesper Munksgaard and Gregory Norris
(2004), 'System Boundary Selection in Life-Cycle Inventories
Using Hybrid Approaches', Environmental Science and Technology,
38 (3), February, 657-64 527
39. Sangwon Suh and Shinichiro Nakamura (2007), 'Five Years in the
Area of Input-Output and Hybrid LCA', International Journal of
Life Cycle Assessment, 12 (6), September, 351-52 535
Recent Developments in Input-Output Analysis II ix
40. Edgar G. Hertwich (2011), 'The Life Cycle Environmental
Impacts of Consumption', Economic Systems Research, 23 (1),
March, 27-47 537
41. Shigemi Kagawa, Klaus Hubacek, Keisuke Nansai, Minori
Kataoka, Shunsuke Managi, Sangwon Suh and Yuki Kudoh
(2013), 'Better Cars or Older Cars?: Assessing CO2 Emission
Reduction Potential of Passenger Vehicle Replacement Programs',
Global Environmental Change, 23 (6), December, 1807-18 558

42. Inaki Arto and Erik Dietzenbacher (2014), 'Drivers of the Growth
in Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions', Environmental Science and
Technology, 48 (10), May, 5388-94 571
43. Dabo Guan, Glen P. Peters, Christopher L. Weber and Klaus
Hubacek (2009), 'Journey to World Top Emitter: An Analysis of
the Driving Forces of China's Recent CO2 Emissions Surge',
Geophysical Research Letters, 36 (4), February, 1-5 578
44. Haiyan Zhang and Michael L. Lahr (2014), 'China's Energy
Consumption Change from 1987 to 2007: A Multi-Regional
Structural Decomposition Analysis', Energy Policy, 67, April,
682-93 583
45. Jan Weinzettel and Jan Kovanda (2011), 'Structural Decomposition
Analysis of Raw Material Consumption: The Case of the Czech
Republic', Journal of Industrial Ecology, 15 (6), December,
893-907 595
46. Arnold Tukker, Tanya Bulavskaya, Stefan Giljum, Arjan de
Koning, Stephan Lutter, Moana Simas, Konstantin Stadler and
Richard Wood (2016), 'Environmental and Resource Footprints in
a Global Context: Europe's Structural Deficit in Resource
Endowments', Global Environmental Change, 40, September,
171-81 610
47. Manfred Lenzen (2007), 'Structural Path Analysis of Ecosystem
Networks', Ecological Modelling, 200 (3-4), January, 334-42 621
48. Richard Wood and Manfred Lenzen (2009), 'Structural Path
Decomposition', Energy Economics, 31 (3), May, 335-41 630

49. Erik Dietzenbacher and Kakali Mukhopadhyay (2007), 'An
Empirical Examination of the Pollution Haven Hypothesis for
India: Towards a Green Leontief Paradox?', Environmental and
Resource Economics, 36 (4), April, 427-49 638
x Recent Developments in Input-Output Analysis II
50. Glen P. Peters and Edgar G. Hertwich (2008), 'Post-Kyoto
Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Production versus Consumption',
Climatic Change, 86 (1-2), January, 51-66 661
51. Michael Jakob, Jan Christoph Steckel and Ottmar Edenhofer
(2014), 'Consumption- Versus Production-Based Emission
Policies', Annual Review of Resource Economics, 6, November,
297-318 677
52. John Barrett, Glen Peters, Thomas Wiedmann, Kate Scott, Manfred
Lenzen, Katy Roelich and Corinne Le Quere (2013), 'Consumption-
Based GHG Emission Accounting: A UK Case Study', Climate
Policy, 13 (4), 451-70 699
53. Haiyan Zhang, Michael L. Lahr and Jun Bi (2016), 'Challenges of
Green Consumption in China: A Household Energy Use
Perspective', Economic Systems Research, 28 (2), June, 183-201 719
54. Faye Duchin, Stephen H. Levine and Anders Hammer Stromman
(2016), 'Combining Multiregional Input-Output Analysis with a
World Trade Model for Evaluating Scenarios for Sustainable Use of
Global Resources, Part I: Conceptual Framework', Journal of
Industrial Ecology, 20 (4), August, 775-82 738
55. Arjan de Koning, Gjalt Huppes, Sebastiaan Deetman and Arnold
Tukker (2016), 'Scenarios for a 2 degreesC World: A Trade-Linked Input-
Output Model with High Sector Detail', Climate Policy, 16 (3),
301-17 746

56. Albert E. Steenge (1999), 'Input-Output Theory and Institutional
Aspects of Environmental Policy', Structural Change and Economic
Dynamics, 10 (1), January, 161-76 764
57. Roxana Julia and Faye Duchin (2007), 'World Trade as the
Adjustment Mechanism of Agriculture to Climate Change', Climatic
Change, 82 (3-4), June, 393-409 780
58. Darian McBain and Ali Alsamawi (2014), 'Quantitative Accounting
for Social Economic Indicators', Natural Resources Forum: Special
Section on Oceans and Seas, 38 (3), August, 193-202 797
59. Ali Alsamawi, Joy Murray and Manfred Lenzen (2014), 'The
Employment Footprints of Nations: Uncovering Master-Servant
Relationships', Journal of Industrial Ecology, 18 (1), February,
59-70 807
60. Moana S. Simas, Laura Golsteijn, Mark A.J. Huijbregts, Richard
Wood and Edgar G. Hertwich (2014), 'The "Bad Labor" Footprint:
Quantifying the Social Impacts of Globalization', Sustainability, 6
(11), October, 7514-40 819
Recent Developments in Input-Output Analysis II xi
61. Daniel Moran, Darian McBain, Keiichiro Kanemoto, Manfred
Lenzen and Arne Geschke (2015), 'Global Supply Chains of Coltan:
A Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment Study Using a Social Indicator',
Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19 (3), June, 357-65 846
62. Alexandre Tisserant and Stefan Pauliuk (2016), 'Matching Global
Cobalt Demand under Different Scenarios for Co-Production and
Mining Attractiveness', Journal of Economic Structures, 5 (4),
December, 1-19 855
63. Jorge Gomez-Paredes, Ali Alsamawi, Eiji Yamasue, Hideyuki
Okumura, Keiichi N. Ishihara, Arne Geschke and Manfred Lenzen
(2016), 'Consuming Childhoods: An Assessment of Child Labor's
Role in Indian Production and Global Consumption', Journal of
Industrial Ecology, Special Issue: Linking Local Consumption to
Global Impacts, 20 (3), June, 611-22 874
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